
The Optimal Order and Payment Experience

Effortlessly streamline your operations: process payments, orders, and more in real-time, all with the assurance of seamless compliance.

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Fortify Security Measures

  • Effortless Secure Payment Management
  • Seamlessly manage secure payments, providing your business with a robust financial infrastructure.
  • Our system ensures a smooth transaction experience while simultaneously removing the burden of PCI liability, fostering trust and compliance.
  • Security & Compliance
  • Implement P2PE and EMV compliance solutions for enhanced payment security and industry standards adherence, safeguarding your business and customer transactions.
  • Fraud Prevention & Chargeback Mitigation
  • Proactively detect and prevent fraud while minimizing chargeback risks with our intelligent solutions.
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Revolutionize Your Operations

  • Real-Time Operational Harmony
  • Experience real-time updates for tickets, menus, and employee management through our advanced Softpoint Payment Platform.
  • Effortless Ticket Management
  • Easily handle ticket retrieval, updates, printing, refunds, payments, and closure directly from handheld devices, freeing you from POS terminal constraints.
  • Wireless Flexibility
  • Embrace a cableless, mobile solution featuring top-tier Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity for unparalleled flexibility and convenience.

Boost Security, Streamline Processing and Enhance Operations

  • Security Mastery
  • Eliminate customer data exposure risks, ensuring a secure environment for your business and customers.
  • Efficient Transactions
  • Save significantly by switching from swiped-card sales to streamlined methods, maximizing processing efficiency and reducing financial overhead.
  • Operational Brilliance
  • Elevate your business operations by integrating new revenue centers, offering enhanced services, and diversifying your revenue streams.
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Fast Transactions, Mastered Orders and Strategic Insights

  • Effortless Transaction Acceleration
  • Elevate payment experience with our 5 diverse payment styles for swift, tailored transactions.
  • Masterful Order Management
  • Effortlessly handle complex orders with our comprehensive suite of features, from bundling to roaming discounts and meticulous modifier management.
  • Strategic Insights & Enhancements
  • Utilize our BI tools and add-ons for informed decisions and optimized operations, leveraging our sophisticated platform's benefits.

Our SoftPoint Terminals

Durable hardware constructed to handle the rigors of the restaurant environment.

Ralph Edwards


Clover is a modern, versatile device and can be deployed different environments including pay at table and QSR.

Ralph Edwards


PAX can be used in both pay at table, pay at terminal and pay at counter environments, and includes a built-in printer.

Ralph Edwards


Laoreet posuere rhoncus, egestas lacus, egestas justo aliquam vel. Nisi vitae lectus hac hendrerit.

Ralph Edwards


The Poynt Smart Terminal is a good hybrid device that can be deployed in pay at table as well as quick service environments.

Ralph Edwards


Laoreet posuere rhoncus, egestas lacus, egestas justo aliquam vel. Nisi vitae lectus hac hendrerit.

Ralph Edwards


Laoreet posuere rhoncus, egestas lacus, egestas justo aliquam vel. Nisi vitae lectus hac hendrerit.

Built to Connect

SoftPoint integrates seamlessly with systems that power every aspect of your business.

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